Doktoraften 2
tor. 11. mars
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Påmeldingen stenger 11.mars kl. 17.00

Tid og sted
11. mars 2021, 18:30
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Om eventen
Guttorm Ruud: "Sites of crisis. Histories of the sateliite town"
Avhandlingen Sites of crisis undersøker forbindelsen mellom drabantby og velferdsstat med krise som analytisk prisme. Materialet for analysen er kritikken av Oslos drabantbyer og den norske velferdsstaten slik den framstod i rapporter og massemedia mellom 1969 og 1976. Avhandlingen viser hvordan drabantbyene – bak fortellinger om vekst og fall – er produkter av ulike interessekonflikter og kamper. I dette innlegget presenteres avhandlingen med vekt på materialet, stedene og arkitekturen.
Guttorm Ruud har en doktorgrad fra Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo (2021), der han var stipendiat ved Institutt for form, teori og historie (FTH).
MaryClaire Pappas: “Imagining Modernity: Modern Art Between Norway and Sweden 1910-1923”
In her dissertation, Pappas addresses the transnational discourse among Swedish and Norwegian artists occurring after leaving the Académie Matisse. Drawing from and hoping to build on previous research in this area, she focuses specifically on the artist's understandings of post-impressionism and expressionism as an antidote to Naturalism and the academic tradition. She ties Swedish and Norwegian artist's understandings of post-impressionism to Vitalist movements, Bergsonian and Nietzschean theories on the individual and artmaking, and cultural movements focusing on the knowledge of the body over the knowledge of the mind.
MaryClaire Pappas is a PhD Candidate at Indiana University specializing in modern European Art, with an emphasis on Scandinavian paintings, prints, and drawings. She holds an MA degree from Queen's University and has previously worked developing a public sculptural program at Indiana University, and on the Catalogue Raisonné project for Edvard Munch's drawings at the Munch Museum.
Charis Gullickson: “Un-Highlighting Iconic Works from Museum Collections”
This presentation presents a decolonial analysis of the French painter François-Auguste Biard’s Le Pasteur Læstadius instruisant des Lapons (1840). A highlight at the Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum in Romsa/Tromsø, Biard’s work represents the pastor Lars Levi Læstadius (1800–61) preaching to a group of Sámi people outside their goahti in mid-winter. Exhibited at the Salon in 1841, the painting originates in sketches Biard did during his travels with the French expedition La Recherche to Scandinavia and Spitzbergen in 1839. Taking this “centerpiece” from the Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum’s collections as my reference point, I discuss the original colonial context in which it was painted.
Charis Gullickson er stipendiat ved UiT og kurator ved Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum, Hun har hatt ansvaret for flere kunstutstillinger og publikasjoner tilknyttet det sirkumpolare nord.